The best way to know if Energy Therapy is right for you, is for you to EXPERIENCE a session, or sessions!
Results will vary with every person. I don't know how you will respond to the energy session(s). I am simply facilitating the activation of healing energy in your body, so that you can receive more of what's right with you, rather than what's wrong with you!!
“My son suffered from debilitating migraines and severe chemical and food allergies! After a session the migraines completely went away, and after a few months so did all of his sensitivities! My son’s life was severely limited at one time, and he was unable to play and exercise with buddies, participate in sports, or participate in normal youthful activities, including, school, due to the migraines and sensitivities! Now he is incredibly active, enjoying awesome friendships, and lives a highly productive and happy life! There have been zero re-occurrences of migraines and behaviors associated to the sensitivities!!" First session at age 12, he is now 23 years old.
“Since having a session I have been able to stick with a weight loss program! I always hit the plateau before and felt defeated. I was diagnosed as obesity and had other things going on. It is just 1 year and a few sessions later, and I am 70 lbs. lighter! I also, incorporated an eating program that worked best for me!!! I no longer have the food cravings I had before. Much to the surprise of my doctor, she had to change her recommendation that I go on cholesterol lowering medication since my labs dropped by 40 points!!! I am in good range now. I know she never thought any serious amount of weight loss was possible because of my thyroid issue! I also have been able to cut my blood pressure meds in Half!! I will be discussing, with my doctor, zero meds in the future!!! I also had some past relationship hurts, I no longer feel the pull of remembering my divorce, and the hurtful words and guilt that came with the failure of a marriage. I don't carry that burden, and I’m no longer stuck In the past! Now I enjoy just being ME!! “
“I suffered most of my life with chronic depression, anger, and at times suicidal ideation. I tried natural methods, exercise, nutrition, medication, etc., and of course, self-medication through alcohol, and other substances. Most of it helped temporarily, but nothing permanent. After having a session, I immediately felt different, and began healing! I had my first session 12 years ago... since then, there have been many shifts, and processing moments, however, the bottom line is, I have had NO depression, or suicidal ideation since then!! I still experience life’s up and downs, but NEVER go into depression!!! I have had many sessions afterwards, all of my food and pet allergies, along with chemical sensitivities have completely gone away as well!!!! My life is amazing, I am enjoying peace, wellness, and happiness that I used to only dream about existing!!!! “
“The first time I had a session was a couple of years after my mother’s passing. It had been a long, slow process, and the 3 months before she passed, she relied on family for her every need. It was a very stressful time. After a year or so, I thought I had recovered. I was going through the motions of living, but something just didn’t feel right. My joy was gone, and I just didn't have the drive I had before. My daughter noticed I was mildly depressed and encouraged me to try a session. I thought it to be a bit “out there”, but what did I have to lose. After my first session, I noticed a lighter feeling! I felt happy again! Since that first time, I have had many sessions. After each session, I feel more free, more centered, more at peace, and more “me”! If you are looking for more in your life, give a Bars energy session a chance! The outcome may surprise you! Light, and peace! “
After being told by her medical treatment advisors that there were no more medications available to help her. This is her experience after she received a single Bars energy session! Client experiencing double digit grand mal seizures since the age of 5, due to acquiring a head injury. She received a Bars energy session, in her 30's. Within a couple of weeks , she and her caregiver, reported that the grand mal seizures dissipated, with no re-occurrences, with only an occassional petit mal seizure! She went from limited activity to becoming engaged and more independent in daily activities, and interactions! She received two more sessions, and continued be free of Grand Mal seizures, with increased living activities!
"I suffered from chronic brain fog! I served in the military and have had it since. I thought I would always have it and would just have to live with it. After one session, I couldn't believe what happened. I immediately felt clear, but, wasn't sure why, so I waited a few weeks before saying anything. The clarity remained!! I was also diagnosed diabetic, and noticed that my cravings for the candy bar, and sugar, began to go away! I also noticed that some of my negative feelings/behaviors/habits began to change!! I don't know how to explain this,but, the energy session changed my life! Thank you!"
"I was taking Xanax, for anxiety, for years. After having an energy session I was able to stop taking the Xanax!"
"I used to have a fear/phobia of dogs, roller coasters, and heights! Now I love Dogs, rode every roller coaster at Cedar Pointe and I am a pilot!"
"my child and I were very disconnected, and he was non emotional.After the energy sessions my child began hugging me and said"I love you!"Wow!"
"I came to John, barely able to walk due to the pain in my back!John, did some energetic body processing, and I was able to walk out pain free! He made a believer out of me!"
"I used to be anxiety filled and fearful to drive. After the energy sessions, I found myself able to drive without the fear and anxiety."
"For years I quit cleaning and caring for my home, the way I used to. After a session I felt so good , and cleaned my house for 3 days, from top to bottom!"
"My ,son, was not motivated to do anything. He's super smart and just had no desire.He had an energy session, and within a short amount of time he was looking for work and having more desire to do things!"
" I was afraid to cross bridges!! I went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and drove over the bridge and didn't even give it thought, until I was already over it!!"
" I was afraid of needles. Because of the energy work, I get to enjoy my IV infusions without any issues!!"
So many more testimonials to come...
One of the most common shared experiences that we have been made aware of, is the “triggers” that used to plague people have simply dissipated. Clients consistently report that their reactions to “triggers”, at work, home, in relationships, etc. are no longer what they were, or gone. They function with more ease and clarity.
"I am the energy that receives life fearlessly through faith! I will repair and heal!" John
"Don't let your mind bully your body into believing it must carry the burden of it's worries." Astrid Alauda
From the time we are conceived, and then begin to develop, particularly between the ages of 0-7 yrs., we begin to create conditioned responses to all of the input from our world, through vibrations and frequencies of sound, and emotions. We begin to attach emotions and behaviors to everything we experience. Many times, these are just conditioned responses to adapt to the current environment, unfortunately, not always positive. As we continue in life we adapt to circumstances and create layers of energy that may or may not be in our best interest. This can create all kinds of reactions that contribute to dis-ease and dis-harmony throughout life. We don’t always connect to the cause of our dis-ease, and we chase remedies in all kinds of ways, trying to fix a symptom that’s connected to a deeper cause, within the energy levels of the mind and body. These levels may not be accessible through our immediate consciousness. These are energy levels that influence our ability to navigate through daily interactions to create some sense of balance, peace, harmony, wellness and joy. When there is a conflict in this energy, creating polarities, an imbalance is created in the body affecting every level. Energetic emotional re-balancing helps the body access the influences of these polarities and creates more capacity for the body to begin the healing process!
Emotions are the seat of our joy and discomfort. Negative emotions “get stuck” in our bodies and cause dis-ease and dis-harmony, and so many more challenges to our well being. Emotional Re-balancing is facilitated through applying integrated, non-invasive, therapeutic touch modalities designed to let go of “stuck” energy that creates limitations, and strongholds. Therefore, creating allowance to receive the energy that allows your body to start healing itself! Emotional re-balancing will assist in letting go of the energy that keeps your body in a “looping process” with negatively charged, or incarcerated emotions!
What Happens During An Energy Healing and Access Bars Session?
A session is facilitated by using multiple non-invasive, gentle, therapeutic touch, and non-touch modalities, designed to help the body begin to heal itself. Having your Bars run, is a foundational technique I use, integrating complimentary techniques as deemed necessary, which can include:
The tangible energy techniques and therapeutic modalities used during a session:
A session tends to be a relaxing and nurturing process. You will be resting on a massage bed, fully clothed, during the session. I will explain the technique used during the session, and all you have to do is relax and receive!! Afterwards, we will have a brief discussion about your session.
During a session the body will begin to receive, with less resistance, "what's right with you", instead of "what's wrong with you". The techniques that I use are energetic, and do not require you to verbalize past traumas, or other experiences, unless you choose to. This process is not designed to make you dependent on continuously doing it to receive! You can choose how many sessions you want. Many people achieve a place of clarity, peace, and awareness after one session, and others go further with multiple sessions. Yes, the more you do the deeper the accessing of strongholds and the more profound the healing can become. It's always your choice!
What is most often reported is that there is a sense of deep relaxation. Many people go to sleep – even in a very noisy environment. Some people have images come to them, others see colors, or feel sensations in their bodies such as buzzing, tingling, warmth, twitches or shivers.
Everyone is different so there is no “normal” Access Bars Session. Each session will be different, every time, even if you repeat with the same person. The best way to find out what Access Bars will be like for you is to try it for yourself!
The Bars® are 32 points on the head that store the electromagnetic component of thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, and considerations as they are stored in the brain. When activated, The Bars begin to release the thoughts, feeling, emotions, considerations and beliefs you have stored in any lifetime that limit you. The Bars can help facilitate reduction of stress, pain and trauma throughout the body and increase positive attitudes toward life.
When The Bars are lightly touched, electromagnetic charges are activated that create an energetic pathway that connects the points being touched. This is called a bar. This energy bar , while seeking to complete its connection from one side of the brain to the other, begins to dissipate the congested "stuck" energy that creates limitations in our mind and body, which can cause energetic incarcerations to experiencing emotional and physical balance! The brain waves actually slow down, allowing behavioral patterns, belief systems, and points of view that you have been running from childhood to be accessed. The brain wave’s change from beta waves, which are attentive mode, to alpha/theta waves, which are relaxed/fall asleep mode. Science tells us that the shape of your cells actually become more elliptical when they are influenced by thoughts, feelings and emotions, which is the first step towards disease! When you get your bars run, it unlocks the impact on the cells allowing the cells to return to their more spherical shape facilitating more ease in the body! Brain wave measurement shows increased brain coherence after receiving a Bars session. Access Bars optimize brain performance, increase concentration ability and improve emotional stability.
Access Bars is backed up by Scientific Evidence
Research was conducted in 2015 by leading neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin who examined the neurological effects of the Access Bars. He discovered that Access Bars has a positive neurological effect on the recipient similar to those experienced by advanced meditators and it produces these results immediately.
Dr. Terrie Hope, PhD. DNM conducted scientific research on the effects of Access Bars® on anxiety and depression, published in the Journal of Energy Psychology in 2017. In summary The Bars were found to reduce stress and anxiety by 85% and depression by 82% in as little as one session. All participants showed an increase in Brain Coherence.
Access Bars® and Regulation Thermometry Dr Lisa Cooney and Linda Adamowski
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How long does a session take?
-For 14 years and older, approximately 45 minutes up to 1 1/2 hours. Children 1-13 years, sessions vary depending on age.
Do I need to prepare in any way with food or liquids?
-You will be lying on a massage table or reclining chair, so eat light and drink plenty of water.
What happens after a session?
Based upon the session, we will discuss elements of awareness, and what will help you transition through the ebb and flow of the energy shifts.
It is generally suggested to wait at least 3 weeks after the first session, unless your facilitator suggests something different, allowing the energy to process. Listen to your body, you can choose to do more sessions sooner, and as often as you want.
Prices per session:
Ages 12 and up
90 minutes
60 minute session
30 minute mini session
Ages 1 to 11
Up to 60 minutes
(depends on age)
Please feel free to email me, for more information:
Thank you for taking time to explore, and I look forward to meeting you someday!!!